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11 Bytes organized into 5 Units

This page contains everything you need to start using LifeBytes in your program. For an overview of all LifeBytes resources, click here.


Tips for how to preserve the couple relationship after baby and reinforces communication skills
Tools to combat social isolation after the birth of a baby


Helps couples understand how children develop and the role the parent relationship plays

Life Skills

Suggestions for how to think through family needs before they become emergencies and how to access services
Walks participants through creating a Box of Business to hold their important documents
Teaches SMART goal setting
Gives tips on how to stay goal-oriented


Helps participants set employment goals and build good work history
Describes the WorkForward program and how it helps participants find a job, get a job and keep a job


Nudges participants to make a plan before receiving their tax refund
Defines credit and gives tips for building or fixing credit