Tips & Tools

Tip Sheet
Tip Sheet

give directions, ideas, and suggestions on how to accomplish an action

How to Find a Job
Info Sheet
Info Sheet

give information, definitions and more details about a subject

How Job Benefits Can Help You
Resource Sheet
Resource Sheet

lists trusted resources to find more information about a subject

Job Search Websites
Tip Sheet
Tip Sheet

give directions, ideas, and suggestions on how to accomplish an action

Building a Great Work History
Info Sheet
Info Sheet

give information, definitions and more details about a subject

Career Pathways Made Simple

Behind the Byte


1 How to set an employment goal
2 Steps to find a job
3 Tips to build a good work history


Setting a job goal, finding a job, and building a good work history are ways to a brighter future.

Call to Action

Set a goal, find a job, and keep that job.